Petrie university funding petition.

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Vocation and trade training leads to jobs - that is why I support local groups like East Coast Apprenticeships. Our growing community needs more opportunities that connect people with training so we can compete in a tough economy and bring high paying skilled jobs to our community.

The redevelopment of the Petrie Paper Mill site is an important part of our communities future and we have to get it right.

During the Federal Election, the Federal LNP Government committed to only $35 million to the project, less than half of the $98 million committed by Labor, the amount required to make a fully funded University a reality.

The additional funds would mean expanded education opportunities for people in our community: not just university degrees but vocational training and apprenticeships.

Thank you for signing but there is more that you can do. The petition has gotten so much support that we have decided to put it online. Please share this page and help get the word out.

If you use social media please use the hash-tag #fullyfundpetrieuni.

This project has the potential to create thousands of local jobs and give our community a great advantage in a tough economy - let's make the most of it!